For over 2 months now Jerry Brown has been trying to push his plan through the California legislature. Brown's plan would deal out over $12 billion in taxes in order to get California out of it's severe budget crisis. Brown was quick to point out that these taxes are "extensions" of taxes that Californians already pay. They wouldn't be dealing with new payments, just an increase in the amount of money paid on taxes already in place. Democrat of the California State Senate, Darrell Steinberg, said "Most of the surveys we review say essentially the same thing: If the people believe that this is a fair solution and that it actually has the real possibility of putting the fiscal crisis behind us, that they will support it." This says to me that Californian's are fed up with the budget and are finally willing to pay more taxes to ge us out of the deficit. These tough economic times have been very hard for people below the poverty line in California and the United States as a whole. It will be interesting to see if Brown's plan passes through the legislature in the coming weeks.
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