Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Carrots for the Cure
Baby carrots are the perfect option. With a revamped campaign to market vegetables and turn people in the right direction and inspire healthier lifestyles, the baby carrot is making a comeback. At the start of the recession, people reverted back to buying normal carrots because they were seen as less of a luxury. Now, with new packaging for vegetables, they are becoming more prevalent.
We need to start eating healthier. Not only will it help our health, but our economy. We won't have to rely on other nations to import food if we can rely more on our agriculture.
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Pounds of Perception
Obesity is a big problem in the US and we need to change. During my community service we sorted food that was suitable for less fortunate people. We can help the overweight by giving them the opportunity to buy cheaper food. Many poor people turn to fast food because its so cheap, but if we helped them find healthy and cheap options, we can make our society healthier.
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FDA Bans Japanese Food Imports
Its going to be hard for Japan to rebuild, especially because the US and other countries have banned buying food from them. The radiation that has been leaked in the past week from the nuclear reactors has contaminated a lot of the food products coming out of the country. Thus, the FDA just announced on tuesday that they will not be purchasing any food from Japan that has been contaminated. They are going to step up screenings for food from Japan to ensure that the American public is not affected. Although Japanese imports only make up about 4% of our food supply, it still could affect us. Everything that happens to Japan affects the rest of the world. We are living in an interconnected world, and with more and more people spreading news on Twitter and Facebook, we are more connected to other cultures.
This FDA inspection of food is like the community service I did. Working in the food bank, we had to reject certain foods to see if they were good or bad. This ties in to the Japanese situation right now.
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Nuclear Nourishment in Japan
Now, a huge threat is being posed with drinking water in Japan. The radiation from the nuclear reactors has poisoned some of the water in surounding areas and Iodine-131 has been found in many samples. Infants aren't advanced enough physically to handle the amount of iodine in the water and are thus being cautioned. Adults can handle the amounts and thus aren't in danger.
this is just adding to the problems in Japan. There economy is already in the toilet and now they have to be careful of drinking water too. The United States and other countries around the world need to rally to help Japan get back on its feet because their economy is vital to our economy as well. We rely on Japan to consume a lot of our exports, and their downfall could mean ours.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Fragile Food Supply
As most people now know, China has the fastest growing economy in the world. In turn, this has led to an increase in the amount of food needed to keep their economy running. Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens raised the prospect of global food shortage today. He remarked that, "These price rises will be unwelcome for very poor countries who's population's spend much of their meager income on food." This is scary for much of the world's population because most people live in 3rd world countries. With the food supply running low and the population continually expanding, it will be interesting to see how our nation reacts to the news. the Reserve Bank also reported that productivity will need to move at a higher rate than ever in history to keep up with people's demand for food. This will play a huge role in our economy as prices for food, gas, and other commodities rise in the future. Hopefully we will pull through the economic downturn and refresh the prices that were held years ago.
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Green Jobs Still Waiting
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Silky Smooth
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Metal Madness
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